As a Certified Microsoft Silver Small Business Partner, Allcomm has many cloud hosted tools and options available for your business. We can design a complete cloud based solution for you or a Hybrid approach. As your ALL-IN IT Partner, we do what makes sense for you, your employees, and your business. Below are a few of our options provided in our cloud services portfolio.
- Complete Microsoft Office Suite to manage your software licensing
- Secure online storage that can be accessed by employees and customers
- SharePoint sites that help increase productivity
- Tablet & Phone Support
- Website hosting
- Exchange email hosting
- On-premises conference solutions
- Remote conferencing solutions, including Microsoft Teams
- Unified Communications for single sites and multi-site environments
- Fixed mobile convergence that allows your smartphone to make calls over the internet while acting as your desk extension, eliminating international calls
- Electronic fax solutions
If you are interested in learning more about our cloud solutions, contact us today.
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